An Element to improve website ranking by placing unique keywords and content that can be easily found and understood. Optimization On-site to improve a page’s rank and content in relevant search results. All optimization is done on-the-site making sure all of the tags, titles, content, image size and links are all precise to the end result for the users.
On-Page SEO Task
Deals content on your website. To Rank on search engine and acquire traffic.
- Assigning target keyword to each webpage on site.
- Optimizing page titles on target keyword specific to page.
- Update every description from time to time.
- To add fresh contents to blog or news feeds.
- Update old articles or service pages.
- Update HTML tags.
- Create content plan.
- Adding Title tags to every pages.
- Optimizing links and URLs
- Adding Meta Tags to every content pages.
- Creating schema for better search results